- News & Resources: Listings >
- Blog
- The Role of Industrial Networking in Modern Manufacturing
- Why Cybersecurity for SMBs Must Be a Top Priority in 2025
- Together We Give: CMN and Umbrella’s Commitment to Support our Community
- The State of Shoplifting report reveals that 24% of shoppers switch stores due to shoplifting.
- How to Improve Safety and Security in Schools – Cloud Manage Network
- Top 10 Cybersecurity Threats in 2024
- Microsegmentation: Protecting Data from Cyber Threats
- Retail shoplifting and loss prevention: How to protect your business
- Generative AI Cost Optimization Strategies
- Why Do I Need to Protect My Cloud?
- 10 Reasons for Engaging Outside Experts to Manage Your Cybersecurity
- Why Hiring a 3rd Party MSP Expert Makes Sense and – and Cents (MANY cents!)
- Brand and Network Considerations When Adopting AI Corporately
- Integrating XDR, SIEM, and SOAR
- 3-2-1 –Go? Not so quick, this time.
- 5 Things a CISO Shoud Know
- 10-Step Patch Management Checklist
- Penetration Testing vs. Breach Attack Simulation
- Current big cyber breaches and impact on businesses
- Smart Infrastructure Gets Lit Up!
- Securing Industrial IoT: The Missing Puzzle Piece
- 7 Common Cybersecurity Mistakes Made by SMBs
- The Future of Physical Security: Cloud-Based Systems
- Autonomous and Sensor Technology Use Surging
- 2024 Facilities Trends Will Require Facilities and IT Teams to Work in Tandem
- NGFW vs. WAF. What’s the Right Firewall for You?
- Chris Hadfield’s Words To Live By
- Industrial Revolution 4.0 + IIoT
- Digital Fluency Drives Innovation
- Your Cloud Needs Protecting, Too
- Your building alarm systems could become obsolete. In 2024!
- Zero Trust 2.0: Zero Trust Data Resilience (ZTDR)
- We just got, or got used to, Wi-Fi 6. What is Wi-Fi 7?
- What Does the Board Need to Know? Business Metrics that CISOs Should Share – 4th and Last in a Four-Part Series
- Why 2024 is the Year for AI Networking
- International Women’s Day is Tomorrow – Great Time to Think About…
- Data-Centric Security Step One: Classifying Your Data
- The Network – Unsung Hero of Super Bowl LVIII
- What Does the Board Need to Know? Business Metrics that CISOs Should Share – Third in a Four-Part Series
- Boosting IT Team Performance by Fostering Intuition, Curiosity and Creativity
- Breach Remediation Costs Can Wipeout Bottom Line and Business
- Hoodied Hackers Now Favour Hugo Boss
- What Do You Need to Tell the Board? Business Metrics that CISOs Should Share – Second in a Four-Part Series
- How to Get People to Re-Engage After the Holidays
- What Does the Board Need to Know? Business Metrics that CISOs Should Share – First in a Four-Part Series
- Android Devices MUST be Updated + IT Departments Being Cut as Privilege Escalation Escalates
- Today’s Common Cloud Migration and Management Concerns
- Protect Your Healthcare Network from Cyberattack – Lives are at Stake
- Happy Halloween: Black Cats Lead to Boo….Hoo.
- Insurance Underwriters are Protecting Their Flanks
- Insurance Companies Cracking Down as Cybercriminals Become Better Business Builders
- Scary Cyberattacks Stats
- Parents, Profs and IT Professionals Perceive Back-to-School Through Different Lens
- Zscaler’s new IDTR and other tools that leverage generative AI
- Vanquish Vaping, Vandalism and Villainy
- Fabric for Fast-Paced Environments
- Changes to Cyber Insurance Requirements – What you Need to Know
- Cybersecurity Readiness – Newly Released Report
- Passwords Leaked…Again
- 10-Step Patch Management Checklist
- Remote – Again – For Now… and Still Maintaining Engagement
- Protecting Pocketbooks, Passwords and Property from Pilfering
- Raspberry Robin: Highly Evasive Worm Spreads over External Disks
- Cisco Introduces Responsible AI – Enhancing Technology, Transparency and Customer Trust
- Managing Customer Trust in Uncertain Supply Chain Conditions
- Hope on the Horizon
- Toys of Tomorrow… What will spark your imagination? Fuel your imagination?
- Protecting Purses and Digital Wallets
- The Password that Felled the Kingdom + MFA vs 2FA
- The MOE’s RA 3.0 and Zscaler
- 7 Critical Reasons for MS Office 365 Backup
- Penetration Testing Important, but…
- Social Engineering and Poor Patching Responsible for Over 90% of Cybersecurity Problems
- Breach Incidence and Costs On the Rise Again + 5 Ways to Reduce Your Risk
- Cybersecurity Insurance Policies Require Security Audits and Pen Testing
- Wireless strategies for business continuity gain importance as enterprise expand IoT, cloud, and other technologies
- How Cybercrooks are Targeting YOU
- Enabling Digital Transformation with Cisco SD-WAN
- WFH Post Pandemic – What It Will Look Like. What You’ll Need.
- Leaders to looking to the IoT to improve efficiency and resiliency
- Cyber Security Vernacular – Well, some of it, for now
- Why You Need Disaster Recovery, NOT Just Back-Ups
- 10 Reasons Why Having an Expert Manage Your Cybersecurity Makes Sense and Saves Dollars
- Converting CapEx IT Investments into Manageable OpEx
- The Hybrid Workplace – Planning the Next Phase
- Cisco Cloud Calling: Empowering Customers to Thrive with Hybrid Work
- When You Can’t Access the Cloud
- How to Keep On Keeping On
- New Cisco Research Reveals Collaboration, Cloud and Security are IT’s Top Challenges
- Threats from Within on the Rise
- Cloud Covered? If Not, Take Cover!
- Zero Trust and Forrester Wave Report
- Password Based Cyber Attack: Like Leaving Keys Under Doormats
- So, What’s Up With Sensors?
- Sensors and Systems Create a Digital “Last Mile” and Help Skyrocketing Costs
- Scanners Provide Peace of Mind for Returning Students and Workers
- Sensors Improve Operations and Bottom Line… Easily and Cost-Affordably.
- Cisco Meraki Looks at 2021
- 2020 Holiday Shopping: Cybersecurity and Other Tips to Safeguard Wallets and Systems
- How to make the most of the technology you have
- Personnel, Planet and Business Progress: More Interdependent Than Ever Before
- Sure… you can get them all in the boat – but can you get them to work well together?
- Pushing the Zero Trust Envelope – Cisco is Named a Leader in the 2020 Forrester Zero Trust Wave
- Cloud Data Must be Protected, Too!
- Don’t Let Anyone Get the Dirt on You – Make It Instead!
- How IoT Devices Can Help You and Your business
- WebEx – A World of Possibility
- Creating Your Breach Response Plan Now Will Save You Thousands Down The Road
- Been hacked? Here’s what you must do next.
- The Need for Pen Testing is At an All-Time High
- 5 Ways an IT Reseller Improves Your Performance and Peace-of-Mind
- 5G and Wi-Fi 6: Faster, more flexible, and future ready. Are you?
- Network and Data Security for Returning and Remote Workers + Disaster Recovery Symposium
- Collaboration and Cisco WebEx: Protecting Your Data
- Thursday’s Virtual Conference Tackles Today’s Supply Chain Trials and Tribulations
- 10 Tips to Reduce Cloud Storage Risk
- COVID-19 Crisis Fuelling IT Spending
- Supply Chain/Logistics Experts Share Their Expertise
- Cisco Breach Defence Overview
- Announcing Our New Website and Blog

Once again, headlines are screaming about data breaches that hit close to home.
Yesterday’s Globe & Mail story, “My data got leaked in Indigo’s ransomware attack, years after I left” hit a little too close to home for me, as both my daughters worked there throughout high school – and we all spent far too much money with this retailer. We still do! So yes, I was changing passwords last night and getting my girls to do so, too.
Unfortunately, this is not an unusual situation these days, but it truly underscores the need for regularly scrutinizing data protection policies and practices – and for ensuring that software is up to date, and that patches are pushed out regularly and properly installed.
Last month (February 2023), Eye4Fraud, which uses a proprietary Ai system and Dynamic Scoring technology to help online retailers avoid inadvertently accepting fraudulent and/or stolen credit cards, was hacked. Over 16 million accounts, including customers of retailers using this application, were impacted. Data from the breach, which included names, email addresses, physical addresses, phone numbers and partial credit card data (type of card and the last four digits on the card), appeared in 147 different tables on the dark web. Many Canadian credit card holders are among the victims.
Our advice: Change your network passwords ASAP. As you know, we don’t normally say this, but with +150 significant breaches since the beginning of this year involving popular retailers and other commonly-used sites, we feel that it’s only prudent.
What advice can you give your colleagues and employees?
Change your passwords regularly and do not store them on your electronic devices. It goes without saying that passwords should not be written down and displayed – yet we actually saw that in practice when visiting an office recently!
Ensure the password is at least 10 characters long and contains a number, a symbol, an upper case and a lower case letter– and that these letters do not create a word.
Avoid using the same password twice. Having variations on a theme, even if unique to you, is also imprudent. Doing so will leave you vulnerable to credential-stuffing attacks.
Consider using a password vault or a password manager to generate and manage strong, unique passwords for your online accounts.
Monitor your credit score and check for unusual activity in your junk folder, too.
Regularly check to see if your email address has been compromised by using tools specifically designed for that purpose.
One of the tools you can use to check your email is: https://haveibeenpwned.com/. I checked last night and found that account details associated my email address had been leaked in 20 separate breaches – including those of Dropbox, Twitter, LinkedIn, Bitly, and Animoto (which my students introduced me to for video-creation). Scarier than that: I did not recognize the names of the other sites that had login credentials associated my email account.
Another the reasons why I was changing passwords last night!
If you are concerned, you can go to: haveIbeenpwned.com, or call us to learn about a tool you can use to quickly and easily determine if the email address of anyone in your organisation is at risk.
If you are interested, or disconcerted by what you find on https://haveibeenpwned.com/ (because we all know you’re going to check), please reach out so that we can provide you with a free trial: [email protected] or call us at 416.429.0796 or 1.877.238.9944 (toll free).
We look forward to hearing from you – but hopefully not because you learn that you and/or your organisation has been egregiously compromised!
Fingers crossed.